Massage Treatments

Amma Massage Therapy Session $135

Oriental massage techniques are performed with clothes on and no oils or lotions are used.

Craniosacral & Myofascial Release $150

A manual technique for stretching the fascia with the aim to balance the body. (75 min $165 / 90 min. $190)

Cupping added to any Massage Session $30

A three thousand year old therapy that restores balance, circulation and any disruptions in your body. A suction technique is performed to stimulate activity of healthy cells to a targeted area.

Deep Tissue Sculpting Massage Session $140

(30 min. $90/ 75 min. $160 / 90 min. $185)

Shiatsu and acupressure techniques are used with trigger point work throughout this treatment.

Heavenly Relaxation Massage Session $125
(30 min. $75 / 75 min. $145/ 90 min. $170)

Different modalities are integrated in this relaxing massage. Hot towels and reflex points are performed to the feet and heated basalt stones are used to relax your neck and back.

Herbal Massage $155

Relieves muscle and joint pain, improving blood circulation, nourishing and revitalizing the skin, promoting deep relaxation, and diminishing stress and fatigue. Heated herbal ball filled with a special blend of plants and herbs provide the same type of stimulation as acupressure along energy channels. Leaves skin soft and supple.

Warm Bamboo Massage $150

Warm Bamboo Massage is a unique therapy that relaxes tight muscles - instantly and painlessly! It’s an effective way to release stress and tension, relieve aches and pains and loosen tight muscles.

Hot Stone Massage Session $150

Heated basalt stones are used throughout your entire massage session to relieve muscle tightness at a deeper level. The tropical massage oil captures the feels and smells of the island. Surrender your senses and release all tensions as circulation increases bringing a sense of well-being and harmony.

Lymphatic Drainage Massage  $155

This form of massage relieves swelling that happens when medical treatment or illness blocks your lymphatic system.  Lymphatic drainage massage involves gently manipulating specific areas of your body to help lymph move to an area with working lymph vessels. 

Aroma Touch Reflexology -30 min $80
(15 minute add-on $45)

The feet and hands are said to be the mirror of our body. It is said to have a direct connection with the soul. Stimulating the various reflexology points on the feet and hands means stimulating the whole body and providing a deep relaxation of it.

Sports Massage $150

Stretching, trigger points and connective tissue techniques are used in this treatment.

Percussion Therapy - 30 min  $50 

Pregnancy Massage $135
(30 min. $90 / 75 min. $150)

All pregnancy massages are done by certified therapists in this specialty treatment.

Acupuncture  $140

Reiki Energy Healing Session $105

We Welcome You to Book Your Reservation

1116 Main Road, Aquebogue, NY 11931

(631) 779-3773

Monday: 10am-7pm
Tuesday: 10am-7pm
Wednesday: 10am-7pm
Thursday: 10am-7pm
Friday: 10am-7pm
Saturday: 10am-5pm
Sunday: Available by Appointment (Spa Parties)

*Hours may vary by season

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